|  | Chapter 1. Getting Started |
| |  | Section 1.1. Introduction |
| |  | Section 1.2. IOS User Modes |
| |  | Section 1.3. Command-Line Completion |
| |  | Section 1.4. Get to Know the Question Mark |
| |  | Section 1.5. Command-Line Editing Keys |
| |  | Section 1.6. Pausing Output |
| |  | Section 1.7. show Commands |
|  | Chapter 2. IOS Images and Configuration Files |
| |  | Section 2.1. IOS Images |
| |  | Section 2.2. Using the IOS Filesystem for Images |
| |  | Section 2.3. The Router's Configuration |
| |  | Section 2.4. Loading Configuration Files |
|  | Chapter 3. Basic Router Configuration |
| |  | Section 3.1. Configuration Soapbox |
| |  | Section 3.2. Setting the Router Name |
| |  | Section 3.3. Setting the System Prompt |
| |  | Section 3.4. Configuration Comments |
| |  | Section 3.5. The Enable Password |
| |  | Section 3.6. Mapping Hostnames to IP Addresses |
| |  | Section 3.7. Setting the Router's Time |
| |  | Section 3.8. Enabling SNMP |
| |  | Section 3.9. Cisco Discovery Protocol |
| |  | Section 3.10. System Banners |
|  | Chapter 4. Line Commands |
| |  | Section 4.1. What Is a Line? |
| |  | Section 4.2. The line Command |
| |  | Section 4.3. The Console Port |
| |  | Section 4.4. Virtual Terminals (VTYs) |
| |  | Section 4.5. Asynchronous Ports (TTYs) |
| |  | Section 4.6. The Auxiliary (AUX) Port |
| |  | Section 4.7. show line |
|  | Chapter 5. Interface Commands |
| |  | Section 5.1. Naming and Numbering Interfaces |
| |  | Section 5.2. Basic Interface Configuration Commands |
| |  | Section 5.3. The Loopback Interface |
| |  | Section 5.4. The Null Interface |
| |  | Section 5.5. Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Interfaces |
| |  | Section 5.6. Token Ring Interfaces |
| |  | Section 5.7. ISDN Interfaces |
| |  | Section 5.8. Serial Interfaces |
| |  | Section 5.9. Asynchronous Interfaces |
| |  | Section 5.10. Interface show Commands |
|  | Chapter 6. Frame Relay and ATM |
| |  | Section 6.1. Frame Relay |
| |  | Section 6.2. ATM |
|  | Chapter 7. Lists and Queues |
| |  | Section 7.1. Access Lists |
| |  | Section 7.2. Specific Topics |
| |  | Section 7.3. Managing Priorities with Queues |
|  | Chapter 8. IP Routing Topics |
| |  | Section 8.1. Routing Protocol Topics |
| |  | Section 8.2. Static Routes |
| |  | Section 8.3. Split Horizon |
| |  | Section 8.4. Passive Interfaces |
| |  | Section 8.5. Fast Switching and Process Switching |
|  | Chapter 9. Interior Routing Protocols |
| |  | Section 9.1. RIP |
| |  | Section 9.2. IGRP |
| |  | Section 9.3. EIGRP |
| |  | Section 9.4. OSPF |
|  | Chapter 10. Border Gateway Protocol |
| |  | Section 10.1. Introduction to BGP |
| |  | Section 10.2. A Simple BGP Configuration |
| |  | Section 10.3. Route Filtering |
| |  | Section 10.4. An Advanced BGP Configuration |
| |  | Section 10.5. Neighbor Authentication |
| |  | Section 10.6. Peer Groups |
| |  | Section 10.7. Route Reflectors |
| |  | Section 10.8. BGP Confederacies |
|  | Chapter 11. Dial-on-Demand Routing |
| |  | Section 11.1. Configuring a Simple DDR Connection |
| |  | Section 11.2. Sample Legacy DDR Configurations |
| |  | Section 11.3. Dialer Interfaces (Dialer Profiles) |
| |  | Section 11.4. Multilink PPP |
| |  | Section 11.5. Snapshot DDR |
|  | Chapter 12. Special Topics |
| |  | Section 12.1. Bridging |
| |  | Section 12.2. Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) |
| |  | Section 12.3. Network Address Translation (NAT) |
| |  | Section 12.4. Tunnels |
| |  | Section 12.5. Encrypted Tunnels |
|  | Chapter 13. Router Security |
| |  | Section 13.1. The enable Password |
| |  | Section 13.2. Features to Disable on Your Gateway Routers |
| |  | Section 13.3. Use a Warning Banner |
| |  | Section 13.4. Protect VTYs with an Access List |
|  | Chapter 14. Troubleshooting and Logging |
| |  | Section 14.1. ping |
| |  | Section 14.2. trace |
| |  | Section 14.3. Debugging |
| |  | Section 14.4. Logging |
|  | Chapter 15a. Quick Reference A-H |
| |  | aaa accounting |
| |  | aaa authentication enable default |
| |  | aaa authentication local-override |
| |  | aaa authentication login |
| |  | aaa authentication password-prompt |
| |  | aaa authentication ppp |
| |  | aaa authentication username-prompt |
| |  | aaa authorization |
| |  | aaa authorization config-commands |
| |  | aaa authorization reverse-access |
| |  | aaa new-model |
| |  | absolute-timeout |
| |  | access-class |
| |  | access-enable |
| |  | access-list |
| |  | access-list rate-limit |
| |  | access-template |
| |  | activation-character |
| |  | aggregate-address |
| |  | alias |
| |  | area authentication |
| |  | area default-cost |
| |  | area nssa |
| |  | area-password |
| |  | area range |
| |  | area stub |
| |  | area virtual-link |
| |  | arp |
| |  | arp |
| |  | arp timeout |
| |  | async-bootp |
| |  | async default ip address |
| |  | async default routing |
| |  | async dynamic address |
| |  | async dynamic routing |
| |  | async mode |
| |  | atm address |
| |  | atm arp-server |
| |  | atm esi-address |
| |  | atm lecs-address |
| |  | atm lecs-address-default |
| |  | atm nsap-address |
| |  | atm pvc |
| |  | atm-vc |
| |  | autobaud |
| |  | autocommand |
| |  | autodetect encapsulation |
| |  | autohangup |
| |  | autoselect |
| |  | auto-summary |
| |  | backup |
| |  | bandwidth |
| |  | banner exec |
| |  | banner incoming |
| |  | banner login |
| |  | banner motd |
| |  | bgp always-compare-med |
| |  | bgp bestpath as-path ignore |
| |  | bgp bestpath med-confed |
| |  | bgp bestpath missing-as-worst |
| |  | bgp client-to-client reflection |
| |  | bgp cluster-id |
| |  | bgp confederation identifier |
| |  | bgp confederation peers |
| |  | bgp dampening |
| |  | bgp default local-preference |
| |  | bgp deterministic med |
| |  | bgp fast-external-fallover |
| |  | bgp log-neighbor-changes |
| |  | bgp-policy |
| |  | bridge acquire |
| |  | bridge address |
| |  | bridge cmf |
| |  | bridge crb |
| |  | bridge forward-time |
| |  | bridge-group |
| |  | bridge-group aging-time |
| |  | bridge-group circuit-group |
| |  | bridge-group input-address-list |
| |  | bridge-group input-lsap-list |
| |  | bridge-group input-pattern |
| |  | bridge-group input-type-list |
| |  | bridge-group output-address-list |
| |  | bridge-group output-lsap-list |
| |  | bridge-group output-pattern |
| |  | bridge-group output-type-list |
| |  | bridge-group path-cost |
| |  | bridge-group priority |
| |  | bridge-group spanning-disabled |
| |  | bridge hello-time |
| |  | bridge irb |
| |  | bridge max-age |
| |  | bridge multicast-source |
| |  | bridge priority |
| |  | bridge protocol |
| |  | bridge route |
| |  | busy-message |
| |  | calendar set |
| |  | callback forced-wait |
| |  | cd |
| |  | cdp advertise-v2 |
| |  | cdp enable |
| |  | cdp holdtime |
| |  | cdp run |
| |  | cdp timer |
| |  | channel-group |
| |  | channel-group |
| |  | chat-script |
| |  | class |
| |  | clear |
| |  | client-atm-address name |
| |  | clock calendar-valid |
| |  | clock rate |
| |  | clock read-calendar |
| |  | clock set |
| |  | clock summer-time |
| |  | clock timezone |
| |  | clock update-calendar |
| |  | compress |
| |  | config-register |
| |  | configure |
| |  | controller |
| |  | copy |
| |  | crc |
| |  | custom-queue-list |
| |  | databits |
| |  | data-character-bits |
| |  | dce-terminal-timing enable |
| |  | debug |
| |  | default-information |
| |  | default-information originate |
| |  | default-metric |
| |  | default-name |
| |  | delay |
| |  | delete |
| |  | description |
| |  | dialer aaa |
| |  | dialer callback-secure |
| |  | dialer callback-server |
| |  | dialer caller |
| |  | dialer dtr |
| |  | dialer enable-timeout |
| |  | dialer fast-idle |
| |  | dialer-group |
| |  | dialer hold-queue |
| |  | dialer idle-timeout |
| |  | dialer in-band |
| |  | dialer isdn |
| |  | dialer-list |
| |  | dialer load-threshold |
| |  | dialer map |
| |  | dialer map snapshot |
| |  | dialer max-link |
| |  | dialer pool |
| |  | dialer pool-member |
| |  | dialer priority |
| |  | dialer remote-name |
| |  | dialer rotary-group |
| |  | dialer rotor |
| |  | dialer string |
| |  | dialer wait-for-carrier-time |
| |  | dialer watch-disable |
| |  | dialer watch-group |
| |  | dialer watch-list |
| |  | dir |
| |  | disable |
| |  | disconnect |
| |  | disconnect-character |
| |  | dispatch-character |
| |  | distance |
| |  | distance bgp |
| |  | distance eigrp |
| |  | distribute-list in |
| |  | distribute-list out |
| |  | domain-password |
| |  | downward-compatible-config |
| |  | down-when-looped |
| |  | dte-invert-txc |
| |  | early-token-release |
| |  | editing |
| |  | eigrp log-neighbor-changes |
| |  | enable |
| |  | enable last-resort |
| |  | enable password |
| |  | enable secret |
| |  | enable use-tacacs |
| |  | encapsulation |
| |  | end |
| |  | erase |
| |  | escape-character |
| |  | exception core-file |
| |  | exception dump |
| |  | exception memory |
| |  | exception protocol |
| |  | exception spurious-interrupt |
| |  | exec |
| |  | exec-timeout |
| |  | exit |
| |  | fair-queue |
| |  | fair-queue aggregate-limit |
| |  | fair-queue individual-limit |
| |  | fair-queue limit |
| |  | fair-queue qos-group |
| |  | fair-queue tos |
| |  | fair-queue weight |
| |  | fddi burst-count |
| |  | fddi c-min |
| |  | fddi cmt-signal-bits |
| |  | fddi duplicate-address-check |
| |  | fddi encapsulate |
| |  | fddi frames-per-token |
| |  | fddi smt-frames |
| |  | fddi tb-min |
| |  | fddi tl-min-time |
| |  | fddi token-rotation-time |
| |  | fddi t-out |
| |  | fddi valid-transmission-time |
| |  | flowcontrol |
| |  | format |
| |  | frame-relay adaptive-shaping |
| |  | frame-relay [ bc | be] |
| |  | frame-relay becn-response-enable |
| |  | frame-relay broadcast-queue |
| |  | frame-relay cir |
| |  | frame-relay class |
| |  | frame-relay custom-queue-list |
| |  | frame-relay de-group |
| |  | frame-relay de-list |
| |  | frame-relay idle-timer |
| |  | frame-relay interface-dlci |
| |  | frame-relay intf-type |
| |  | frame-relay inverse-arp |
| |  | frame-relay ip rtp header-compression |
| |  | frame-relay ip tcp header-compression |
| |  | frame-relay lmi-type |
| |  | frame-relay local-dlci |
| |  | frame-relay map |
| |  | frame-relay map bridge |
| |  | frame-relay map clns |
| |  | frame-relay map ip compress |
| |  | frame-relay map ip rtp header-compression |
| |  | frame-relay map ip tcp header-compression |
| |  | frame-relay mincir |
| |  | frame-relay multicast-dlci |
| |  | frame-relay payload-compress packet-by-packet |
| |  | frame-relay priority-dlci-group |
| |  | frame-relay priority-group |
| |  | frame-relay route |
| |  | frame-relay svc |
| |  | frame-relay switching |
| |  | frame-relay traffic-rate |
| |  | frame-relay traffic-shaping |
| |  | fsck |
| |  | ftp-server enable |
| |  | ftp-server topdir |
| |  | full-duplex |
| |  | full-help |
| |  | group-range |
| |  | half-duplex |
| |  | half-duplex controlled-carrier |
| |  | help |
| |  | history |
| |  | hold-character |
| |  | hold-queue |
| |  | hostname |
| |  | hssi external-loop-request |
| |  | hssi internal-clock |
| |  | hub |
|  | Chapter 15b. Quick Reference I-M |
| |  | ignore-dcd |
| |  | interface |
| |  | interface bvi |
| |  | interface dialer |
| |  | interface group-async |
| |  | ip access-group |
| |  | ip access-list |
| |  | ip accounting |
| |  | ip accounting-list |
| |  | ip accounting-threshold |
| |  | ip accounting-transits |
| |  | ip address |
| |  | ip address negotiated |
| |  | ip address-pool |
| |  | ip alias |
| |  | ip as-path access-list |
| |  | ip authentication |
| |  | ip bandwidth-percent eigrp |
| |  | ip bgp-community new-format |
| |  | ip bootp server |
| |  | ip broadcast-address |
| |  | ip cef |
| |  | ip cef traffic-statistics |
| |  | ip classless |
| |  | ip community-list |
| |  | ip default-gateway |
| |  | ip default-network |
| |  | ip dhcp-server |
| |  | ip directed-broadcast |
| |  | ip domain-list |
| |  | ip domain-lookup |
| |  | ip domain-name |
| |  | ip dvmrp accept-filter |
| |  | ip dvmrp auto-summary |
| |  | ip dvmrp default-information |
| |  | ip dvmrp metric |
| |  | ip dvmrp metric-offset |
| |  | ip dvmrp output-report-delay |
| |  | ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners |
| |  | ip dvmrp routehog-notification |
| |  | ip dvmrp route-limit |
| |  | ip dvmrp summary-address |
| |  | ip dvmrp unicast-routing |
| |  | ip forward-protocol |
| |  | ip ftp passive |
| |  | ip ftp password |
| |  | ip ftp source-interface |
| |  | ip ftp username |
| |  | ip hello-interval eigrp |
| |  | ip helper-address |
| |  | ip hold-time eigrp |
| |  | ip host |
| |  | ip http |
| |  | ip identd |
| |  | ip igmp access-group |
| |  | ip igmp helper-address |
| |  | ip igmp join-group |
| |  | ip igmp query-interval |
| |  | ip igmp query-max-response-time |
| |  | ip igmp query-timeout |
| |  | ip igmp static-group |
| |  | ip igmp version |
| |  | ip irdp |
| |  | ip load-sharing |
| |  | ip local policy route-map |
| |  | ip local pool |
| |  | ip mask-reply |
| |  | ip mroute |
| |  | ip mroute-cache |
| |  | ip mtu |
| |  | ip multicast boundary |
| |  | ip multicast cache-headers |
| |  | ip multicast helper-map |
| |  | ip multicast rate-limit |
| |  | ip multicast-routing |
| |  | ip multicast ttl-threshold |
| |  | ip name-server |
| |  | ip nat |
| |  | ip nat inside destination |
| |  | ip nat inside source |
| |  | ip nat outside source |
| |  | ip nat pool |
| |  | ip nat translation |
| |  | ip netmask-format |
| |  | ip nhrp authentication |
| |  | ip nhrp holdtime |
| |  | ip nhrp interest |
| |  | ip nhrp map |
| |  | ip nhrp map multicast |
| |  | ip nhrp max-send |
| |  | ip nhrp network-id |
| |  | ip nhrp nhs |
| |  | ip nhrp record |
| |  | ip nhrp responder |
| |  | ip nhrp server-only |
| |  | ip nhrp trigger-svc |
| |  | ip nhrp use |
| |  | ip ospf authentication |
| |  | ip ospf authentication-key |
| |  | ip ospf cost |
| |  | ip ospf dead-interval |
| |  | ip ospf demand-circuit |
| |  | ip ospf hello-interval |
| |  | ip ospf message-digest-key |
| |  | ip ospf name-lookup |
| |  | ip ospf network |
| |  | ip ospf priority |
| |  | ip ospf retransmit-interval |
| |  | ip ospf transmit-delay |
| |  | ip pim |
| |  | ip pim accept-rp |
| |  | ip pim message-interval |
| |  | ip pim minimum-vc-rate |
| |  | ip pim multipoint-signalling |
| |  | ip pim nbma-mode |
| |  | ip pim neighbor-filter |
| |  | ip pim query-interval |
| |  | ip pim rp-address |
| |  | ip pim rp-announce-filter |
| |  | ip pim send-rp-announce |
| |  | ip pim send-rp-discovery |
| |  | ip pim vc-count |
| |  | ip pim version |
| |  | ip policy route-map |
| |  | ip proxy-arp |
| |  | ip rarp-server |
| |  | ip rcmd rcp-enable |
| |  | ip rcmd remote-host |
| |  | ip rcmd remote-username |
| |  | ip rcmd rsh-enable |
| |  | ip redirects |
| |  | ip rip authentication |
| |  | ip rip receive version |
| |  | ip rip send version |
| |  | ip route |
| |  | ip route-cache |
| |  | ip router isis |
| |  | ip routing |
| |  | ip source-route |
| |  | ip split-horizon |
| |  | ip subnet-zero |
| |  | ip summary-address eigrp |
| |  | ip tcp chunk-size |
| |  | ip tcp compression-connections |
| |  | ip tcp header-compression |
| |  | ip tcp mtu-path-discovery |
| |  | ip tcp queuemax |
| |  | ip tcp synwait-time |
| |  | ip tcp window-size |
| |  | ip telnet source-interface |
| |  | ip tftp source-interface |
| |  | ip unnumbered |
| |  | ip unreachables |
| |  | isdn answer1, isdn answer2 |
| |  | isdn autodetect |
| |  | isdn bchan-number-order |
| |  | isdn busy |
| |  | isdn caller |
| |  | isdn call interface |
| |  | isdn calling-number |
| |  | isdn conference-code |
| |  | isdn disconnect interface |
| |  | isdn fast-rollover-delay |
| |  | isdn incoming-voice |
| |  | isdn leased-line bri 128 |
| |  | isdn not-end-to-end |
| |  | isdn nsf-service |
| |  | isdn outgoing-voice |
| |  | isdn overlap-receiving |
| |  | isdn send-alerting |
| |  | isdn sending-complete |
| |  | isdn service |
| |  | isdn spid1 (spid2) |
| |  | isdn switch-type |
| |  | isdn tei |
| |  | isdn tei-negotiation |
| |  | isdn transfer-code |
| |  | isdn twait-disable |
| |  | isdn voice-priority |
| |  | isis circuit-type |
| |  | isis csnp-interval |
| |  | isis hello-interval |
| |  | isis hello-multiplier |
| |  | isis lsp-interval |
| |  | isis metric |
| |  | isis password |
| |  | isis priority |
| |  | isis retransmit-interval |
| |  | isis retransmit-throttle-interval |
| |  | is-type |
| |  | keepalive |
| |  | key |
| |  | key chain |
| |  | key config-key |
| |  | key-string |
| |  | lane auto-config-atm-address |
| |  | lane bus-atm-address |
| |  | lane client |
| |  | lane client-atm-address |
| |  | lane config-atm-address |
| |  | lane config database |
| |  | lane database |
| |  | lane fixed-config-atm-address |
| |  | lane global-lecs-address |
| |  | lane le-arp |
| |  | lane server-atm-address |
| |  | lane server-bus |
| |  | line |
| |  | linecode |
| |  | link-test |
| |  | location |
| |  | logging |
| |  | logging buffered |
| |  | logging console |
| |  | logging facility |
| |  | logging history |
| |  | logging history size |
| |  | logging monitor |
| |  | logging on |
| |  | logging source-interface |
| |  | logging synchronous |
| |  | logging trap |
| |  | login |
| |  | login authentication |
| |  | logout-warning |
| |  | loopback |
| |  | map-class dialer |
| |  | map-class frame-relay |
| |  | map-group |
| |  | map-list |
| |  | match as-path |
| |  | match community-list |
| |  | match interface |
| |  | match ip address |
| |  | match ip next-hop |
| |  | match ip route-source |
| |  | match length |
| |  | match metric |
| |  | match route-type |
| |  | match tag |
| |  | maximum-paths |
| |  | metric holddown |
| |  | metric maximum-hops |
| |  | metric weights |
| |  | media-type |
| |  | member |
| |  | menu |
| |  | menu command |
| |  | menu text |
| |  | menu title |
| |  | mkdir |
| |  | modem |
| |  | motd-banner |
| |  | mrinfo |
| |  | mstat |
| |  | mtrace |
| |  | mtu |
|  | Chapter 15c. Quick Reference N-Z |
| |  | name elan-id |
| |  | name local-seg-id |
| |  | name preempt |
| |  | name server-atm-address |
| |  | neighbor |
| |  | neighbor advertisement-interval |
| |  | neighbor database-filter |
| |  | neighbor default-originate |
| |  | neighbor description |
| |  | neighbor distribute-list |
| |  | neighbor filter-list |
| |  | neighbor maximum-prefix |
| |  | neighbor next-hop-self |
| |  | neighbor password |
| |  | neighbor peer-group |
| |  | neighbor prefix-list |
| |  | neighbor remote-as |
| |  | neighbor route-map |
| |  | neighbor route-reflector-client |
| |  | neighbor send-community |
| |  | neighbor shutdown |
| |  | neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound |
| |  | neighbor timers |
| |  | neighbor update-source |
| |  | neighbor version |
| |  | neighbor weight |
| |  | net |
| |  | network |
| |  | network backdoor |
| |  | network weight |
| |  | nrzi-encoding |
| |  | ntp access-group |
| |  | ntp authenticate |
| |  | ntp authentication-key |
| |  | ntp broadcast |
| |  | ntp broadcast client |
| |  | ntp broadcastdelay |
| |  | ntp disable |
| |  | ntp master |
| |  | ntp peer |
| |  | ntp server |
| |  | ntp source |
| |  | ntp trusted-key |
| |  | ntp update-calendar |
| |  | offset-list |
| |  | ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth |
| |  | ospf log-adj-changes |
| |  | output-delay |
| |  | padding |
| |  | parity |
| |  | passive-interface |
| |  | password |
| |  | peer default ip address |
| |  | peer neighbor-route |
| |  | physical-layer |
| |  | ping |
| |  | ppp |
| |  | ppp authentication |
| |  | ppp bridge ip |
| |  | ppp chap |
| |  | ppp compress |
| |  | ppp multilink |
| |  | ppp quality |
| |  | ppp reliable-link |
| |  | ppp use-tacacs |
| |  | priority-group |
| |  | priority-list |
| |  | privilege level (line) |
| |  | privilege level (global) |
| |  | prompt |
| |  | pulse-time |
| |  | pvc |
| |  | queue-list |
| |  | radius-server |
| |  | redistribute |
| |  | refuse-message |
| |  | reload |
| |  | rename |
| |  | ring-speed |
| |  | rlogin |
| |  | rmdir |
| |  | route-map |
| |  | router |
| |  | rsh |
| |  | rxspeed |
| |  | send |
| |  | service |
| |  | service compress-config |
| |  | service linenumber |
| |  | service-module 56k |
| |  | service-module t1 |
| |  | service timestamps |
| |  | session-limit |
| |  | session-timeout |
| |  | set as-path |
| |  | set automatic-tag |
| |  | set community |
| |  | set default interface |
| |  | set interface |
| |  | set ip default next-hop |
| |  | set ip precedence |
| |  | set ip next-hop |
| |  | set level |
| |  | set local-preference |
| |  | set metric |
| |  | set metric-type |
| |  | set metric-type internal |
| |  | set origin |
| |  | set-overload-bit |
| |  | set tag |
| |  | setup |
| |  | set weight |
| |  | show |
| |  | shutdown |
| |  | smt-queue-threshold |
| |  | snapshot |
| |  | snmp-server |
| |  | snmp-server chassis-id |
| |  | snmp-server community |
| |  | snmp-server contact |
| |  | snmp-server enable traps |
| |  | snmp-server engine-id |
| |  | snmp-server group |
| |  | snmp-server host |
| |  | snmp-server location |
| |  | snmp-server packetsize |
| |  | snmp-server queue-length |
| |  | snmp-server system-shutdown |
| |  | snmp-server tftp-server-list |
| |  | snmp-server trap-source |
| |  | snmp-server trap-timeout |
| |  | snmp-server user |
| |  | snmp-server view |
| |  | snmp trap link-status |
| |  | source-address |
| |  | speed |
| |  | squeeze |
| |  | squelch |
| |  | sscop cc-timer |
| |  | sscop keepalive-timer |
| |  | sscop max-cc |
| |  | sscop poll-timer |
| |  | sscop rcv-window |
| |  | sscop send-window |
| |  | standby authentication |
| |  | standby ip |
| |  | standby preempt |
| |  | standby priority |
| |  | standby timers |
| |  | standby track |
| |  | stopbits |
| |  | summary-address |
| |  | synchronization |
| |  | table-map |
| |  | tacacs-server attempts |
| |  | tacacs-server authenticate |
| |  | tacacs-server directed-request |
| |  | tacacs-server extended |
| |  | tacacs-server host |
| |  | tacacs-server key |
| |  | tacacs-server last-resort |
| |  | tacacs-server notify |
| |  | tacacs-server optional-passwords |
| |  | tacacs-server retransmit |
| |  | tacacs-server timeout |
| |  | terminal editing |
| |  | terminal escape-character |
| |  | terminal history |
| |  | terminal length |
| |  | terminal monitor |
| |  | tftp-server |
| |  | timers basic |
| |  | timers bgp |
| |  | timers spf |
| |  | trace |
| |  | traffic-shape adaptive |
| |  | traffic-shape group |
| |  | traffic-shape rate |
| |  | traffic-share |
| |  | transport |
| |  | tunnel checksum |
| |  | tunnel destination |
| |  | tunnel key |
| |  | tunnel mode |
| |  | tunnel sequence-datagrams |
| |  | tunnel source |
| |  | txspeed |
| |  | undebug |
| |  | undelete |
| |  | username |
| |  | vacant-message |
| |  | validate-update-source |
| |  | variance |
| |  | verify |
| |  | version |
| |  | vty-async |
| |  | vty-async dynamic-routing |
| |  | vty-async header-compression |
| |  | vty-async keepalive |
| |  | vty-async mtu |
| |  | vty-async ppp authentication |
| |  | vty-async ppp use-tacacs |
| |  | width |
| |  | write |
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